Εργαλεία Χρήστη

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Σύνταξη για υποσημειώσεις και αναφορές

Η σύνταξη αναφορών βασίζεται στο RefNotes plugin is an extension for build-in DokuWiki footnotes syntax. In addition to the basic footnotes functionality it provides a number of extra features, most notably:

  • Multiple independent note classes on the same page (e.g. citations, footnotes, etc).
  • Render the notes at any place on the page, not only at the very bottom.
  • Often used notes (e.g. book references) can be shared between different pages.
  • Bibliographical elements stored in separate namespace(s) that can be referenced by name


There are two major parts of the syntax: references and note blocks. The references are used in a text body to define a note and during rendering are replaced with a short link. The basic reference syntax is similar to the footnotes:

Here goes the reference[(This is a note.)].

Apart from the basic functionality provided by footnotes, the references have a number of extra features:

  • Better support for multiple references to the same note.
  • You can name a note and later refer to it by name from another reference. The named notes can be shared between different pages via the reference database.
  • The notes can be grouped into namespaces. For example, you can keep footnotes apart from bibliographical references.
  • References can be hidden from rendering and used only to define the note text. This can be convenient if you want to keep the notes apart from the main text body.

The note blocks indicate a page location where text of the notes will be rendered. They are optional and if there are no explicit note blocks on the page, all notes will be rendered at the end of the page. The minimal syntax for the note block is:


Apart of specifying the notes location the note blocks can be used to:

  • Render notes from a certain namespace.
  • Render only part of the notes. For example, this can be used to render the notes in multiple columns.
  • Change formatting of the references and the note blocks.

For more details on the extended syntax see the complete syntax description.

αναφορές.txt · Τελευταία τροποποίηση: 2022/09/22 19:51 από

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