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χρωματικό_σύστημα_μάνσελ [2022/10/09 23:22] – [Βιβλιογραφία] adminχρωματικό_σύστημα_μάνσελ [2022/10/09 23:31] – [Εξωτερικοί σύνδεσμοι] admin
Γραμμή 47: Γραμμή 47:
   * Cleland, Thomas M. (1921). A practical description of the Munsell color system, with suggestions for its use. Boston: Munsell Color Company. One of the first books about the Munsell color system, explaining the intuition behind its three dimensions, and suggesting possible uses of the system in picking color combinations. An edited version can be found at http://www.applepainter.com/.   * Cleland, Thomas M. (1921). A practical description of the Munsell color system, with suggestions for its use. Boston: Munsell Color Company. One of the first books about the Munsell color system, explaining the intuition behind its three dimensions, and suggesting possible uses of the system in picking color combinations. An edited version can be found at http://www.applepainter.com/.
   * Kuehni, R.G. 2001. «The early development of the Munsell system». //Color Research and Application// 27(1): 20–27.  https://doi.org/10.1002/col.10002.    * Kuehni, R.G. 2001. «The early development of the Munsell system». //Color Research and Application// 27(1): 20–27.  https://doi.org/10.1002/col.10002. 
-  * Landa, E.R., Fairchild, M.D. 2005. «Charting Color from the Eye of the Beholder». American Scientist 93(5): 436–443. https://doi.org/10.1511%2F2005.5.436. +  * Landa, E.R., Fairchild, M.D. 2005. «Charting Color from the Eye of the Beholder». //American Scientist// 93(5): 436–443. https://doi.org/10.1511%2F2005.5.436. 
   * Munsell, Albert H. 1905. //A Color Notation//. Boston: G. H. Ellis Co. [[https://www.gutenberg.org/files/26054/26054-h/26054-h.htm|Project Gutenberg]]   * Munsell, Albert H. 1905. //A Color Notation//. Boston: G. H. Ellis Co. [[https://www.gutenberg.org/files/26054/26054-h/26054-h.htm|Project Gutenberg]]
-  * Munsell, Albert H. (January 1912). «A Pigment Color System and Notation». The American Journal of Psychology 23 (2): 236–244. doi: https://doi.org/10.2307/1412843.  +  * Munsell, Albert H. 1912. «A Pigment Color System and Notation». The American Journal of Psychology 23 (2): 236–244. doi: https://doi.org/10.2307/1412843.  
-  * Nickerson, Dorothy (1976). «History of the Munsell color system, company, and foundation». Color Research and Application 1 (1): 7–10.[νεκρός σύνδεσμος]+  * Nickerson, D. 1976. «History of the Munsell color system, company, and foundation». //Color Research and Application// 1 (1): 7–10. https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1520-6378.1976.tb00028.x
 ====Εξωτερικοί σύνδεσμοι==== ====Εξωτερικοί σύνδεσμοι====
   * Munsell.com, the homepage of Munsell Color, a subdivision of X-Rite, current owners of the Munsell Color Company.   * Munsell.com, the homepage of Munsell Color, a subdivision of X-Rite, current owners of the Munsell Color Company.
Γραμμή 59: Γραμμή 59:
   * Munsell Color Science Laboratory at the Rochester Institute of Technology, an academic laboratory dedicated to color science, endowed by the Munsell Foundation.   * Munsell Color Science Laboratory at the Rochester Institute of Technology, an academic laboratory dedicated to color science, endowed by the Munsell Foundation.
   * Munsell renotation data in plain text format (from the 1940s Optical Society of America renotations). CIE xyY original and sRGB and CIELAB conversions provided.   * Munsell renotation data in plain text format (from the 1940s Optical Society of America renotations). CIE xyY original and sRGB and CIELAB conversions provided.
-  * The Munsell and Kubelka-Munk Toolbox by Paul Centore, with a radial interpolation algorithm described in Centore 2012+  * [[https://www.munsellcolourscienceforpainters.com/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox/MunsellAndKubelkaMunkToolbox.html|The Munsell and Kubelka-Munk Toolbox by Paul Centore, with a radial interpolation algorithm described in Centore 2012. 
-  * munsellinterpol, R language package for interpolating between Munsell renotation samples; spline interpolation. +  * A flash-based [[https://web.archive.org/web/20070609102602/http://www.triplecode.com/munsell/|Munsell Palette color-picker]] from web-design firm Triplecode (based on a version originally created at the MIT Media Lab). 
-  * Munsell Color Palette, an online Munsell color palette and Munsell-to-sRGB converter; crude linear interpolation in sRGB space+  * [[https://web.archive.org/web/20110622082041/http://looncox.ivyro.net/palette/|ToyPalette]] από τη Loo & Cox, μια διαδικτυακή εφαρμογή για τη δημιουργία παλετών χρωμάτων από εικόνες. Χρωματική ανάλυση Munsell ψηφιακής εικόνας.
-  * A flash-based Munsell Palette color-picker from web-design firm Triplecode (based on a version originally created at the MIT Media Lab). +
-  * LOGitEASY Munsell Color Calculator, which converts Munsell colors to a specialized soil-color notation (registration required) +
- ToyPalette από τη Loo & Cox, μια διαδικτυακή εφαρμογή για τη δημιουργία παλετών χρωμάτων από εικόνες. Χρωματική ανάλυση Munsell ψηφιακής εικόνας.+
 {{tag>Αρχαιολογία Γεωλογία}} {{tag>Αρχαιολογία Γεωλογία}}
χρωματικό_σύστημα_μάνσελ.txt · Τελευταία τροποποίηση: 2022/10/10 23:48 από admin

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